Tag Archives: oral surgery

Wisdom Teeth Removal– Schedule Surgery During Winter Break

Scheduling wisdom teeth removals and other oral surgeries during the winter break from school allows kids to recoup before heading back to class.

Winter break over the holidays is the perfect time to schedule your Cleveland TN wisdom teeth removal or other oral surgery, so school isn't missed!

With the holiday season approaching, school-aged kids have just a few things on their minds: sleeping in, tons of holiday gifts from essentially every obscure relative passing through town, and– you guessed it– a super long break from school. Though the last thing they’ll want to do is have oral surgery for Christmas, it really is an ideal time to schedule dental procedures. Though most wisdom teeth removal procedures are low-key enough not to majorly disrupt regular activities, some cases, such as scenarios involving impacted wisdom teeth, can require more recovery time, taking it easy at home, icing those swollen cheeks, and eating soft foods.

Three weeks out of school for the holiday break makes the perfect window for scheduling a wisdom tooth extraction procedure for your child, or really any other kind of dental surgery that may be necessary for you or yours. Maybe your child is being prepped for braces and has to say goodbye to some lingering baby teeth, or maybe even permanent teeth that are causing unhealthy crowding. Our team at Ocoee Oral Surgery in Cleveland TN can help you get these procedures scheduled conveniently, so your child won’t have to unnecessarily miss school.

To schedule an appointment with one of our oral surgeons, get in touch today. Whether you or your child needs a tooth extraction, wisdom teeth removal, TMJ treatment, dental implants, or other services, our Cleveland TN oral surgery center staff would love to take care of you.

Scheduling wisdom teeth removals and other oral surgeries during the winter break from school allows kids to recoup before heading back to class.

FAQs about Wisdom Teeth Extraction:

Q: Will I undergo anesthesia to have my wisdom teeth extracted?

A: Likely so. Depending on how the wisdom teeth are situated, you may have to just have a local anesthetic for your oral surgeon to pull your teeth. If they are impacted, partially impacted, or difficult to access, you’ll likely go under general anesthesia for the procedure.

Q: Is there pain after wisdom tooth surgery?

A: Most patients experience minimal pain after having wisdom teeth extracted. You’ll likely have swelling and mild discomfort for about 3 days or so. Your mouth may require a few weeks to fully heal.

Q: How do you prepare for wisdom teeth removal and oral surgeries?

A: Plan to take some time off work or school to recuperate. You’ll want to stock up on soft foods like applesauce, soup, and yogurt, have ice packs at hand, and pencil in some Netflix and Chill time while you heal.

Q: What is dry socket?

A: Dry socket, or alveolar osteitis, is a painful condition that occurs sometimes after permanent teeth are extracted when a blood clot at the extraction site fails to develop properly, or becomes dislodged before the wound has healed.

Q: How do you avoid dry socket?

A: Avoid painful dry socket by properly caring for your mouth after wisdom teeth surgery. Stay away from straws, smoking, and be sure to keep your mouth extremely clean, flushing out the sockets with salt water, as directed by your oral surgeon.

Q: Why do wisdom teeth need to be removed?

A: Wisdom teeth need to be removed because they are superfluous, and can cause a host of problems in the mouth. They are often impacted, cause crowding, are incorrectly positioned in the mouth, and are too inaccessible to properly care for them.

Q: What problems can arise when you neglect to have your wisdom teeth removed?

A: If wisdom teeth are not removed, a patient can suffer from damage to surrounding teeth, inflammation and gum tissue problems, cavities, alignment issues, jaw damage, and even sinus problems.

Q: Where should I have my wisdom teeth removed?

A: Definitely by one of the expert oral surgeons at Ocoee Oral Surgery in Cleveland TN.

Wisdom Teeth Coming In?

Even if you have impacted wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth extraction is something you should talk with your dentist about.

Things You Never Knew about Wisdom Teeth

Maybe your wisdom teeth are coming in, or maybe you’ve already been through the process of wisdom tooth extraction– but either way, there are probably some interesting facts about wisdom teeth you never knew! We’ll explore a few of the most entertaining, for kicks.

1) Number of Wisdom Teeth Varies Person To Person

As strange as it may be, the number of wisdom teeth each person has varies. Some folks have all four, and some have none at all. Most often, adults have four wisdom teeth, one in each quadrant of the mouth, but in some rare cases, people even have more than four. In the case of Hyperdontia, the human mouth can host supernumerary teeth, or teeth that exist in addition to the regular line up. (Do not Google this if you’re squeamish.)

If your wisdom teeth are coming in, there are a few things you should know about them!

2) Number of Roots the Teeth Have Varies

Another thing that varies case to case is the number of roots each wisdom tooth has. Just like a fingerprint, everyone’s teeth are unique. Though wisdom teeth generally have two or three roots, they can have more. The roots of the teeth form first, then pushing the bud of each tooth through the gums as they erupt. Some wisdom teeth have as many as five roots.

3) Wisdom Teeth Can Come In Any Time

Though most people’s wisdom teeth come in around their late teens or early twenties, these crazy little third-molars can actually make their appearance at any time. In some cases, the wisdom teeth are impacted, or they don’t grow in at all, but you’ll still want to discuss removal with your dentist, even so. According to the Guinness World Records, the oldest person to grow a wisdom tooth was almost 95 years old! His record-shattering tooth was detected during a regular dental exam.

4) They’re Called “Love Teeth” In Korean

Fun fact: the Korean word for wisdom teeth translates more closely to “love teeth.” The reason for this is that by the time your wisdom teeth emerge, you are likely to have experienced your first crush or your first love. Kinda precious, right? We certainly think so.

5) Wisdom Teeth Don’t Serve Any Purpose

It’s interesting that our wisdom teeth don’t serve a purpose anymore, and haven’t for thousands and thousands of years. Our ancestors ate raw meat, roots and other foraged foods, and they needed the wisdom teeth to adequately masticate the types of things that comprised their diets. These teeth aren’t just pointless though, they are also pretty precarious. They have the potential to cause a lot of pain and ongoing damage if left neglected. If you haven’t had your wisdom teeth examined or extracted, you ought to consider a conversation about it. Feel free to reach out to us at Ocoee Oral Surgery with any concerns or questions you may have. We are the Chattanooga area wisdom teeth experts.

Cleveland, TN Oral Surgery Center Explores Stress Dreams

Dreams about breaking and falling out teeth signal excessive stress, so let your Cleveland oral surgery center help.

Maybe you’ve had them and maybe you haven’t, but they’re about as popular as Regina George. We’re talking about tooth dreams. Missing teeth, breaking teeth, crumbling and rotting out teeth, or even just your teeth falling out – these are some of the most common stress dreams in the book. These dreams about teeth can be extremely unsettling, and horrifyingly vivid, but no matter how you dice it, they pretty much always stem from worry and stress in your life.

Dreams about breaking and falling out teeth signal excessive stress, so let your Cleveland oral surgery center help.

Our dreams can really tell tale about our most subconscious desires, fears, and innermost feelings. Especially when your dreams are recurring, your brain may be struggling to tell you something. Just consult Sigmund Freud, the evidence suggests recurrent dreams are a glaring sign of anxiety, and oftentimes, when the root of said stress is alleviated, the dreams will subside as well.

Many different things have been said to bring on these teeth-centric mini nightmares. At times, they stem from some type of inferiority complex, or not feeling great about one’s physical appearance, the fear of getting older, or a big decision weighing on the mind. Sometimes the causes can be far more literal, like you need to maintain a healthier diet, and your brain is trying to make you aware of deficiencies. And perhaps the MOST literal reason for a tooth-related dream was a good, healthy shaming from your dentist about how you need to do a better job with brushing or flossing your teeth more. That shame might show up in your dreams in the most obvious way. Some psychologists even believe these dreams arise from actual tooth distress such as grinding your teeth while you sleep.

The common theme here is indisputably stress and anxiety, and we all know the havoc these feelings can wreak on one’s life and overall wellbeing. Maybe you have anxiety surrounding trips to the dentist, or needing dental work. This is incredibly common. Dental procedures like surgical tooth removal, wisdom tooth extraction, dental implants, and bone grafting surgeries can seem pretty scary! Our staff at Ocoee Oral Surgery in Cleveland, TN wants to do everything possible to eliminate or at least minimize the stress and anxiety that can accompany dental procedures.

Cleveland Oral Surgeons address stress dreams and eliminate stress associated with oral surgery.

Our oral surgeons are always here to answer any questions patients may have about their dental procedures, and we offer IV anesthesia for oral and maxillofacial surgery. Both of our doctors provide a full range of anesthesia services, with safety and patient comfort being the primary aim. They are licensed to provide local anesthesia, nitrous oxide (more widely known as laughing gas), conscious sedation, and general anesthesia. Discussing these options during the initial evaluation process can really help patients manage the possible stress that comes with planning for these procedures.

If you’re having stress dreams in which you lament the loss of your crumbling pearly whites, we certainly hope it’s not because of dental attention you need. And if so, we’re absolutely here to help you through it. If you need an oral surgery, get in touch with our amazing staff today!