Many individuals have their wisdom teeth removed as teens or young adults, it’s true. It’s recommended to have wisdom teeth removed before the age of 18. Having wisdom teeth removed after you’re 18 years old greatly increases the risk of permanent complications, such as numbness of the lip and chin. If you’re past that age where many have their wisdom teeth removed, you might be asking, “Is there any point now?” Yes, even if you don’t consider yourself a “young” adult anymore, there are still benefits to wisdom tooth removal after college.
Wisdom Teeth Removal for Pain Relief
If your wisdom teeth are causing you any pain, it might be time to consider removing them. Wisdom teeth are often susceptible to cavities, and because they are difficult to clean they can cause gum disease on the surrounding gum tissue. When wisdom teeth are impacted, they can result in pain and swelling that is mitigated with extraction.
Wisdom Teeth Removal to Alleviate Crowding
Wisdom teeth can cause crowding and affect tooth alignment, dismantling the hard work of any braces, bridges, crowns or other prior dental work. Not only can this result in shifted teeth, but also can create more pockets for food and bacteria. This results in decay, cavities, and more dental work. Wisdom teeth removal can help prevent this crowding and other issues that often follow.
Wisdom Teeth Removal to Prevent Cheek-Biting
Patients who have small mouths or lack adequate room to accommodate more molars can have biting issues when these extra teeth arrive. Sometimes when wisdom teeth begin to come in, their positioning can cause pain and difficulty chewing in dental patients. They can cause damage to soft tissues in the mouth, which results in pain and hindered jaw function. When wisdom teeth cause pain and difficulty chewing, extraction by oral surgery is necessary.
Oral surgeons agree that it’s best to have wisdom teeth removed before the age of 18. When you’re younger, you tend to heal faster and have fewer complications with surgeries. Also, when you’re young, the roots and bones of your teeth are softer and not fully formed. This makes extractions easier. But even though it is preferred to have wisdom teeth removed before the age of 18, the process can still be beneficial no matter your age. Our staff at Ocoee Oral Surgery is always here to answer any questions you might have pertaining to wisdom teeth removal or any other oral surgery. We are here to help all ages!